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EXTRA “Transglobal Miscellanea” by Artetra & Communion vs the Alkisah Network

𝘎𝘜𝘌𝘚𝘛𝘚 EXTRA Time: 60:12 mar 2021

Communion & Artetetra present a selection of tracks from collaborating imprints and artists from the Alkisah Network. Welcome to the new Global Jukebox. HA! // Alkisah (once upon a time) it's the last album by Indonesian duo Senyawa. It's an intense and explosive work, a tale about power and apocalypse as a massive and collective answer to inner dilemmas. Released by 44 differents labels and collectives around the world and inside local scenes, Alkisah represents a decentralized practice capable of actualizing the glocal nodes, dwelling multiple worlds and joining forces. Molecular struggles against the pervasiveness of dominant structures. 

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